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EZ Knock Marketplace Return and Cancellation Policy

return policy, cancellation policy, return order pay, cancellation pay, sellers return, buyer cancellation, buyer removes order from seller

Written by James Racina
Updated over a week ago

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Buyer Cancellation Policy

  • If order was placed and has not been accepted by a Seller yet, a full refund will be processed. This includes the EZ Knock Marketplace facilitator fee and the credit card convenience fee.

  • If order was placed and Seller has accepted but no attempts have been made, a refund of the service fee will be processed. The EZ Knock Marketplace facilitator fee or credit card convenience fee is not refunded.

  • If the order has been accepted and attempted by the Seller, and you cancel the order, no refund will be issued. Seller will be notified to stop attempts and delivery and be required to upload a return for attempts made. Return will need to be approved by Buyer.

    Find out more about how to cancel an order here.

    Refunds can take 24-48 hours to process

Seller Return Order Policy

  • If a Seller has accepted an order but has not made attempts and returns the order back to the Buyer, Seller receives no pay for the order.

  • If Seller has accepted an order and has made attempts, and returns the order back to the Buyer, Seller may negotiate pay for attempts made with the Buyer.

  • Any communication regarding pay for a returned order must be made between the Buyer and Seller via Direct Messaging.

Find out more about how to return an order to a Buyer here.

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